Monday 18 July 2011

We're back... After several months of absence we are back blogging again... We laughed with Jarek that it begins to be our ritual that every year, around May, our culinary activity goes out of the window, cookbooks become overlapped with a nice layer of dust, our everyday screaming food processor suddenly does not want to utter even a whisper, various products and delicacies hiding in cabinets are not tempting us with their flavours and aromas, and our culinary afflatus together with spirit go on holiday... even random peeping to our favourite blogs from time to time, somehow do not evoke more emotions... whether this is lack of time or post winter fatigue... who knows? well, it’s time to come back from these holidays!!! And so, today the kitchen looks like a hurricane flew across it – the food processor dance into its own rhythm, my laptop lying quietly on a refrigerator and  displaying five different recipes for muffins. Pots and bowls are flying all over the kitchen, beautiful smell of cinnamon spread in the kitchen air and me.... Excited and impatient, I stand at the oven and pierced with culinary thrill of excitement waiting for the cinnamon - plum muffins....

Cinnamon - Plum muffins
Ingredients for 12 muffins:
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon bicarbonated soda
2 eggs, beaten
120 g caster sugar (I put 60g)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
half cup of oil
300 g Greek yogurt
6 plums, cut into small pieces

For sprinkling:
1 / 4 cup Demerara sugar

Traditionally beat the eggs lightly then add the yoghurt. Combine the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, bicarbonate soda, little pieces of plums in a separate bowl. Add the dry mix to the wet mix until combined. Spoon into muffin tins, sprinkle with Demerara sugar and bake in the oven at 190 degrees for about 25 mins or until golden brown. Cool on wire rack. 


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